Saturday, October 31, 2009
Dede Dines Out
Anyone who read Paul Mulshine's Cross Country column in today's WSJ on page A17 will learn some of the details as to why Christie has been short on details since the Republican machine put him in the race last winter. Also anyone who heard Alan Keyes speak @ the Woodbridge Tea Party last Saturday learned why Christie is just the type of candidate America does not want in office - he will perpetuate more of the same statist leaning direction that the country has been heading toward for decades & four years from now there will be two more lousy candidates to vote for so that New Jerseyians once again cannot get ahead regardless of which one of them is elected. Six months from now you will not be able to tell the difference in the governance of NJ.
Most reluctant Christie supporters who I have discussed this with think that Christie winning will send Democrat congressmen & BO himself a message but such messages are always short lived & spun to whatever point necessary to minimize the result. Also, some people told me they are picking the lesser of two evils - how pitiful.
Now a much better example of an important election to learn a lesson from is found in NY's 23rd congressional district's special election to replace Republican Representative John McHugh who recently accepted the job of Secretary of the Army. The original Democrat candidate for the seat is John Owens & the original Republican candidate hand picked by the Republican machine was five-term state-level Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava who bowed out of the race today because 3rd party Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman had passed her in the polls. Now how much good would it have done for America to have Dede elected to hold the Republican seat vacated by McHugh.
How much of Republican Dede's positions do you share? - she is an abortion rights advocate who favors homosexual marriage. She is for card check, Cap & Trade, & favored bank bailouts & the Stimulus Bill - something every House Republican voted against. In past elections she has lined up with the ballot line of the Working Families Party -- a socialist outfit with ACORN connections.
Several days ago Sarah Palin endorsed Doug Hoffman, the 3rd party Conservative Party candidate. Palin was soon joined by Dick Armey, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann (R, Minnesota), Steve Forbes, The WSJ Editorial Board, Michelle Malkin, The National Review, The Club for Growth, & just yesterday former Republican NY Governor George Pataki. Even with her clear anti-American record on display Newt Gingrich endorsed Dede saying that "Republicans must embrace centrists who can capture swing districts" - a position great for Republican stats but awful for America.
Worse than even Newt's endorsement - as of October 29 the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) was planning to dump $300,000 in the race promoting Dede. I just hope they committed the money & Dede dined out of the race wasting it all. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was just as pitiful when Dede was still in the race saying the voters will decide - like who else will? Steele could not endorse Doug Hoffman could he? - that would not be the politically correct thing to do for the Republican Party, but in the meantime the hell with America.
So now the people in NY's 23rd district have a real choice - something NJ voters do not have with the two major party candidates. But even New Jerseyians can start to make a difference - not in this election because either Corzine or Christie is going to win but by studying the other candidates' positions & voting for someone who deserves & earns your vote - neither Corzine or Christie do. There are excellent Gubernatorial candidates like Jason Cullen & his running mate Gloria Leustek who ran on the Lonegan line in Somerset County in the primary for Freeholder. Cullen told me that he is a perpetual candidate so in the long run a vote for him, if you think he earns it, will not be wasted.
But getting back to NY's 23rd - it has been in Republican hands for nearly 120 consecutive years. Don't think that the Conservative Party candidate is a shoe-in though. As a sign of the sliding times in America eight-term Republican John McHugh, the man who moved over to the Department of the Army just a few months ago, was elected in November 2008 with a grade of "D" by the National Tax Payers Union with only a 30% favorable rating. Now just how will Dede's supporters votes be distributed between the statist & the conservative? On Tuesday night watch the results of this race closely - it will let you know if there is any hope in the immediate future.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thomas Sowell - Dismantling America
Below is part of a column by Thomas Sowell I received re BO's dismantling of America piece by piece. On October 22 I noted "just when it looked like the 'public option' was dead it is being resurrected" & sure enough this donkey is going to try to fly. Cap & Trade was reintroduced last Friday with the Kerry-Boxer Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works release of revised legislation. BO's onslaught against America is relentless & tiresome for those who carry the burden of fighting to keep American values - like those who attend town hall meetings & tea parties. If you are represented in the House &/or Senate by a wavering on-the-fence politician re either healthcare reform or Cap & Trade better make the most of letting your views known to them. Dr. Sowell explains why below.
---Thomas Sowell - Dismantling America---
Barack Obama has not only said that he is out to "change the United States of America," the people he has been associated with for years have expressed in words and deeds their hostility to the values, the principles and the people of this country.
Jeremiah Wright said it with words: "God damn America!" Bill Ayers said it with bombs that he planted. Community activist goons have said it with their contempt for the rights of other people.
Among the people appointed as czars by President Obama have been people who have praised enemy dictators like Mao, who have seen the public schools as places to promote sexual practices contrary to the values of most Americans, to a captive audience of children.
Those who say that the Obama administration should have investigated those people more thoroughly before appointing them are missing the point completely. Why should we assume that Barack Obama didn't know what such people were like, when he has been associating with precisely these kinds of people for decades before he reached the White House?
Nothing is more consistent with his lifelong patterns than putting such people in government-- people who reject American values, resent Americans in general and successful Americans in particular, as well as resenting America's influence in the world.
Any miscalculation on his part would be in not thinking that others would discover what these stealth appointees were like. Had it not been for the Fox News Channel, these stealth appointees might have remained unexposed for what they are. Fox News is now high on the administration's enemies list.
Nothing so epitomizes President Obama's own contempt for American values and traditions like trying to ram two bills through Congress in his first year-- each bill more than a thousand pages long-- too fast for either of them to be read, much less discussed. That he succeeded only the first time says that some people are starting to wake up. Whether enough people will wake up in time to keep America from being dismantled, piece by piece, is another question-- and the biggest question for this generation.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Woodbridge Tea Party Report
Friday, October 23, 2009
A Patriotic Impassioned Speech
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
BO's Disincentive Programs
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Responses - Healthcare Rights For Illegals Under Case Law
Good to hear from you & what a great editorial.
BO's Administration is unraveling in a few months he will be recognized as a joke. The first part of the original message only re the Nobel prize. Healthcare reform will take longer since it does not go into full effect until after the 2012 Presidential election.
On a slightly different subject, a friend of mine who you know said something very profound.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Healthcare Rights For Illegals Under Case Law
With re to the Nobel "This guy is in office less then two weeks before the deadline and he gets the Nobel prize. And exactly for what?" was one of the themes & "I'm waiting to see his statue in the park! I will not put into writing what I am thinking" sums up the comments along with "BREAKING NEWS: This just in - BO wins the Heisman Trophy after watching a college football game" - this really makes a mockery of the Nobel Prize & should let even the least discerning of us realize that there is more @ play here than just presenting awards.
But all of this is merely a distraction to the real intended destruction to our way of life beginning on Tuesday when the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to vote on a healthcare reform bill that has not even been written. The best comment received on Universal Healthcare connects our message posted on the blog on October 7 (where I pointed out how BO is watering down the work of over 60 local law enforcement agencies that have taken the time & effort to obtain ICE certification to enforce the federal immigration laws) with the case law re illegal immigrant criminals' rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution. Specifically, the great libertarian Andrew Napolitano factually states that the Supreme Court case law has ruled that the Constitution refers to "persons" not "citizens" in determining to whom the 14th Amendment would grant whatever healthcare rights apply after passage of the much discussed law. Accordingly, BO wants to pass Universal Healthcare with or without illegals mentioned fully knowing that the Supreme Court will rule, based on precedent, that illegals are covered meaning that he will have paved the way for Universal Reelection by placating the fastest growing segment of the American population @ your expense. If this is important to you please continue or start to speak up to your elected representatives now because it is a long way to November 2010 when you get another official chance to let your voice be heard.
---Healthcare Rights For Illegals Under Case Law---
OK, before we all get crazy with anger today, let me make it worse. Did anybody see O'Reilly last night? Judge Napolitano unloaded a bombshell. Constitutionally speaking, it doesn't matter what "language" gets loaded in the final HC bill to prevent illegals from getting covered. Any government plan, public option, co-op, whatever, will have illegals covered. He says there is lots of case law, if it gets to the higher courts, to support equal protection under the law. Obama knows it, which is why he will concede any language possible to satisfy the Republicans, because he knows under legal challenge, he will get his way, and then be able to blame it on the courts. That is why he keeps quoting the "49 million". If any form of government subsidy, gets in there, you and I will be paying for them. Just another welfare entitlement program for people who are not even citizens. Guess Joe Wilson really was correct.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Why We Should Remove Our Fighting Forces From Harms Way
Monday, October 5, 2009
Huckabee Video From FBN
Many of you asked me if I saw Mike Huckabee on FBN last week discuss the FairTax. One person even sent me a You-Tube video of the segment which I present below.
Please contrast the quality & integrity of Governor Huckabee's presentation in the video with those issues BO is trying to push through Congress that will destroy America as we know her.
Just imagine if Governor Huckabee had won the presidency instead of BO. We would be talking about enacting the FairTax instead of all that is being proposed today. What a difference! That is how close we came in 2008. Click this link to see the video (it may begin with a short commercial).