"If a federal judge changes the law. . . then I'm going to follow what's been redefined as the law." Michigan Governor Rick Snyder abandoning his oath of office to support the Constitution of the United States as he prepares to run for reelection this fall. Snyder, who ran for governor four years ago saying marriage was "between a man & a woman" is adjusting his Republican Party tone & stances to reach new voters after a judge found a ban on homosexual marriage in Michigan unconstitutional.
"Do you know of one blue state that has turned red by conservatives moving in?" – unanswered question from RTE post dated March 14, 2014
"A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be comprised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers." --- President Reagan
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The above top quote & pitiful strategy for reelection by Michigan's governor shows just how detestable the Republican alternative can be for many of us – so much for running on the set of principles the country was founded upon when you can take a poll, like the one shown in the graph above, or wait for a judges' ruling to see what your new positions should be to ensure reelection – or so you think. What homosexual could possibly trust Snyder after shifting his position from four years ago that marriage was "between a man & a woman?" What Tea Partier could trust Snyder, an elected governor, who follows the lead of an appointed judge? – that is my gripe, much more so than Snyder's various pandering PC positions regarding what constitutes marriage. The fact that Snyder's shift came about because of a judge's ruling means that Tea Partiers recognize there is not a dime's worth of difference between such Republicans & their statist opponents & will vote for neither. Whether you are for or against homosexual marriage is beside the point that Snyder (& his ilk)will go back & forth on the issue based only on his perception of popularity & strategy for getting reelected. No thank you.
The second quote above is an indication of how outnumbered conservatives, Tea Partiers, & libertarians are. As state after state like Iowa, Virginia, & North Carolina turn bluer each election cycle there is not one example where a blue state turned red because conservatives moved in. This phenomenon is caused by some blue states having such a large surplus of statists that many of them can relocate while still leaving a majority of statists in the original blue state while the transplants overwhelm the new state & turn it blue. In other words statist candidates in blue states win by large margins & conservative candidates win by small margins for the most part. Texas is the ultimate prize in this regard for the statists.
For most of 2014 the establishment Republicans & the Tea Party Republicans have been satisfied to campaign predominantly on the single issue of being against ObamaCare – this has produced a fragile uneasy truce between the two sides that stopped the bashing of each other & I hope the truce holds. The problem with this single minded approach is that ObamaCare is starting to become more accepted & popular with an unsuspecting populace. See graph below.
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BO has delayed the worst parts of ObamaCare so that they will not come into effect until after November's midterm elections. This leaves Republicans, with no concrete proof, telling disinterested people how bad their healthcare future will be. In the meantime Democrats will promise hikes in minimum wages, extensions of unemployment compensation, amnesty legislation for illegal immigrants, & hammering home the perceived Republican war on women & women's rights concerning equal pay & choice regarding having abortions. Women made up 54% of the electorate in 2012 & Republicans are already planning & practicing how not to offend the virtually certain Democrat woman presidential candidate in 2016.
A long time subscriber to RTE recently wrote to me that "ObamaCare can only succeed at best for a short time. . . & within a few years ObamaCare will be running a huge deficit. There is no way they will be able to pay all the claims that will be coming in under his plan. Insurance in its true form is a lot of premiums being paid with a small risk of loss. ObamaCare doesn't do that, it covers all kinds of claims ("well visits", prescription plans [Bush blew it on that one as well, Viagra, etc.]). In short over 300 million claims by 300 million people. The math simply does not work."