"When the midterms come along, then too many of our people just tuned out. And that's what folks on the other side are counting on this year – because when we stay home, they win. Make those calls. Knock on some doors as you did for Barack." Michele Obama speaking @ a Charlie Crist rally in Orlando the world's third largest Puerto Rican city.
"Iowa, leave here committed to working as hard as you can. Remember, when Democrats show up, we win." Hillary Clinton speaking @ retiring Senator Tom Harkin's annual steak fry.
"If we have high turnout in NC, then we will win. We have high turnout in GA, we will win. If we have high turnout in CO, we will win. And so, so, across the board, it is important for us to take responsibility & not give away our power. Just turn out & vote...get out there & vote. Now's the time to do it, no excuses. Keep on getting those folks out to the polls. Tell them the president said no excuses. The first lady said no excuses." BO speaking on Al Sharpton's radio show clearly showing he knows Democrat inclined voters outnumber people of substance.
All of the above quotes are true because people of substance in America are overwhelmingly outnumbered by people who would never vote for anyone other than a Democrat, if they vote @ all. And that is the question regarding the midterm elections whose voting ends on November 4 – will BO's community organizing skills again carry the day for Democrats like they did for his reelection in 2012? All of the miseries in 2012 remain today & we even have new ones like ISIS beheading people (two Americans to date) & people flying to America from West Africa with Ebola – where 5,000 people have been killed by the deadly disease from this virus America has never seen. Of course none of this matters to government dependent people (voters) who have resigned themselves to live in the apathy to dependence stage of our deterioration & really would not be upset when the dependence back into bondage stage arrives. Many such people prefer this to getting a job while taking for granted all of the freedoms they currently have - believing these freedoms will always be there. Bondage takes away freedom.
Twice in the last seven presidential elections the voting age population exceeded the actual number of voters by over 100-million people (in 2008 it was 75-million people & in 2012 it was 93 million). Now just who do you think the vast majority of these people would vote for if they voted?
Governor Huckabee tells us there are 80 million self identified evangelicals in America & only half of them are registered voters. Only 50% of those registered (20 million) vote in presidential elections & only half of them again (10 million) vote in off year elections like 2014. It is hard to have a good result when 70 million church going Christians don't vote or more importantly don't care what happens.
Normally the results of midterm elections during the sixth year of a presidents' second term are not good ones for the incumbent president because the electorate tends to rein him in his last two years in office. Accordingly conventional wisdom & many polls forecast a Republican victory wave in the Senate contests – big or small wave. But in 2014 there are many close races & the above graphic shows Democrats have narrowed the gap from September to October.
Polls on October 26 show Republicans lead by 0.7% in five races & trail by 0.25% in two races meaning that seven races being too close to call is the real story that something is different in America that none of us has experienced before. Lord knows that voters have every reason to vote against Democrats who have supported BO & his anti-American anti-free enterprise policies over 90% of the time with their congressional votes. But the fact that the Republican opposition has given no positive reason to vote for them & the fact that BO has raised so much money @ one fund raiser after another is keeping the Democrat hopes alive.
Thanks to the money being spent brainwashing the public every Democrat incumbent is still competitive. In addition to the above quote BO also told Democrat incumbents "I will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn out."
This is the unknown commodity in this sixth year midterm election that is different from other ones. Can a community organizer turn the normal results of scores of these kind of elections on their head to the detriment of the country by an organized onslaught of propaganda. Looking @ the education level & involvement (paying attention) of the voters is not encouraging. Accordingly, the amount of government dependent welfare programs voters participate in & the promise of more such benefits to come will be enough to carry the day if BO can get the recipients of these programs to the polls. His job is to convince them to know how, where, & by whom their bread is buttered.
Over the weekend we saw the results in Brazil where the statist incumbent president won reelection despite the country remaining in recession with high inflation & schemes of corruption in the state owned oil company. This is quite reminiscent of BO winning reelection in 2012 meaning calls for freedom & democracy are not running rampant any place I can think of other than Ukraine.
Counterbalancing all of the above conventional wisdom & historical experience regarding elections like the 2014 midterms is the potential power of BO's community organizing skills that were quite obvious in the 2012 presidential election. With over 200 years of history the voters should not have reelected BO in that 2012 gimmee election, even with the most flawed pitiful Republican opponent imaginable. So we can safely say that something else was in play – & that something else was the principles of Death of Democracy where the majority of the electorate had come to realize that in voting for BO they were voting themselves generous gifts from the public treasury @ the expense of the rest of us.
Three examples of the fragility of the midterms – FL Governor Rick Scott won the 2010 race by 60,000 votes – if even a quarter of the missing 450,000 black voters from 2010 vote in 2014 Scott will lose to Charlie Crist, former Republican, former Independent, & now Democrat. In 2008 Crist was on McCain's short list for VP indicating politicians are capable of doing anything or aligning themselves with anyone to gain the power to rule.
Even worse from an issues side is the Michigan gubernatorial race where incumbent flip flopping governor Rick Snyder has compromised every known principle starting with abandoning his oath of office to support the Constitution of the United States during his run for reelection – see The General Welfare Of The United States for details. Since the race is close we should have expected the Republican to not tell us what he really believes but rather to pander to whomever he thinks will get him the most votes.
Third, I am so sorry to give Republican Governor John Kasich (OH) as an example of a politician who has gone from top notch to statist over the past few years. A serious Republican voter in Ohio voting for Kasich will be sadly disappointed if he is not already – Kasich abandoned his previous collective bargaining reforms & reversed course by having Ohio join the Medicaid expansion of ObamaCare after originally holding the line people thought they had voted for. All of this from a man who wrote a book entitled Stand For Something – who now stands for nothing the Founders would recognize. Kasich has turned into the classic RINO – Republican in name only.
What these examples tell us is that the candidates in the Democrat & Republican parties for the most part play us for fools – throwing a few crumbs from the table while they dine in luxury @ our expense. Some primary races this year had as many as 86% of the people eligible to vote (Cantor defeat in VA) stay home meaning that 7.1% of the people eligible to vote turned the election in favor of their candidate – an example of the very few who stayed involved controlling what happens.
With all of the dissatisfaction with many if not most of the Democrat & Republican candidates it is becoming more & more obvious that third party candidates are the answer to our problems – many of the good Republicans could easily go this way. Democrats are socialists as are @ least half of the Republicans while the majority of the rest of the Republicans are afraid to stand for something – that is why if the Republicans gain control of both Chambers of Congress on November 4 we will not know what principles the people elected stand for.
That is why Jenny Beth Martin, Co-Founder of Tea Party Patriots, recently wrote to me "Yes, if Republicans take back the Senate, we will have a much better chance of blocking & rolling back BO's disastrous socialist agenda. But no, as we have seen over & over again in the past, a GOP majority does not guarantee lower taxes, less spending, smaller government, &/or a balance budget. Case in point? Since the Republicans took back the House in 2010 not one tax has been repealed, not one federal bureaucracy eliminated, & not one dime of deficit spending has been cut."
But the fact that the midterm election may be close, either way, with BO's rotten purposefully destructive programs in place for almost six years is a fearful message in & of itself for America. All of the senators who have supported BO over 90% of the time (congressional votes) should not be in neck & neck races but should be tarred & feathered & run out of the country on a rail instead of being within a gasp of being victorious – which they just might be.
So why should we care about any of this? Is it just because of the illusive concepts of freedom & liberty? – the fundamental concepts from which the entire rational legal system of the civilized world is based. Is it that just enough of us still realize that without the spirit of individual freedom that civilization cannot grow & prosper any more?
Far too many Americans have become so spoiled & oblivious that they take our way of life for granted with many not realizing that the statist policies in place are causing them to spend down the wealth created by their parents & grandparents until one day it will be depleted with not enough people left who have the ability to build it up again to anywhere near the heights we once realized.
America's foundations were built on the bedrock of limited government, personal responsibility, & free enterprise. The danger to our liberty & individual rights is BO's relentless onslaught on America's structural foundations. Those of us who cherish these freedoms see clearly the great cause for concern that there will never again be times like most of us grew up in again – that is what we should be caring about.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is the way we got into all of this trouble. We should only financially support or vote for candidates who have earned our support or vote.
In this regard I have found Mike Huckabee & Gary Johnson @ the presidential level, Jeff Bell (NJ) @ the senate level, Sam Brownback (KS) @ the gubernatorial level, Steve King (IA), Dave Corsi (NJ), & Jim Gawron (NJ) @ the congressional level, & Amanda Vaughn-O'Neill & Erica Silvestri both @ the town council level to be such candidates worthy of our support.
On Sunday we watched the NJ Bell-Booker senate debate. At its conclusion Carol told me that Jeff Bell is too good for NJ & with the condition of the state & country that we have let happen I could not agree with her more.