Sunday, June 27, 2010
What If McChrystal Was Right?
Now the irony of the great patriot General David Petraeus bailing BO out by accepting a demotion to return to the field from his Central Command position can certainly be illustrated by our own e-mail club message of 9/21/07 - "Senators who are Presidential candidates who did not vote to support General Petraeus are Hillary Clinton & Chris Dodd. Joe Biden did not vote. But the worst case was Barack Hussein Obama who was not only in the building @ the time of the vote but had just been on the floor of the Senate minutes before the vote - Obama did not vote thereby keeping his empty suit record @ a perfect zero, which is exactly what he is."
What a difference it makes when you sit behind the desk of responsibility - or in BO's case when you want to do away with the irritants like the war in Afghanistan & the Gulf oil leak that are slowing down your real agenda of completing the socialization of America.
McChrystal was fired because he & his aides were documented in an anti-war publication that accurately stated the soldiers thought BO didn't seem engaged & was uncomfortable & intimidated by military personnel & that BO's entire national security team was incompetent & dysfunctional.
Since the firing the anti-American hostile media has concentrated on proclaiming BO's so-called decisiveness in firing McChrystal saying that BO demonstrated he is in charge maintaining order & discipline & that replacing McChrystal with Petraeus was a brilliant move.
America is set up for a fall when this sort of fluff is what is presented @ a time that our military personnel are risking their lives running what looks more like a "fool's errand" every day with BO as Commander-In-Chief - didn't anyone ever think to question what if McChrystal was right in his assessment?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Continuation Discussion - Valueless Human Life
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Further Response - Valueless Human Life
I believe we need to implement a two step strategy to begin moving in the right direction (no pun intended).
Step #1) Demonstrate our power by voting completely Republican (just this once). This is the only way we can be sure of ridding ourselves of the Socialists, and, at the same time, letting the politicians, the media, the Hollywood liberals and the entitlement crowd, know that we are in control, and not them. but they are in control - not us
Step #2) For subsequent elections we can begin the process of electing strict Constitutional Conservatives. why haven't we been doing this if this is what the people want?
Any other strategy runs the risk of us defeating ourselves and failing to send a very loud and clear message. We can not turn this around by attempting to do it all in one shot. we most likely will never turn it around peacefully since we are outnumbered right now & are losing ground every day as the entitlement program enrollments continue to grow
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Responses - Valueless Human life
Doug - I have been wrestling with the apathy of our citizens trying to rectify in my own mind their ambivalence to their government's actions. In my opinion, a large part of apathy is fear. Afraid of the police powers of our government is a real concern. Everyone knows when big brother comes down on you it's going to be bad. Throughout history fear of state silences men and we are at that point in the life span of our government. Fear to speak out and object to our government's overwhelming interface in our lives is genuine fear of retribution.
---Response #2---
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Valueless Human Life
Now with right & wrong turned upside down - with the Arizona people having to defend themselves for their very lives against criminal illegal aliens when the federal government just won't, with the Gulf oil spill continuing for over two months with absolutely no one in charge & our own government blocking any attempt by BP et al to help, & with General McChrystal being called from the battlefield in Afghanistan to the White House because of some article in a flea bitten publication it all just shows how valueless every human life other than those of the elites has become in America. Why would anyone want to enlist in the military or border patrol under these circumstances? And of course this is exactly BO's plan.
Below is an anonymous piece sent to us from a subscriber to that sums all of this up for us in a few short sentences.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
The last sentence means that if the "multitude of fools" is large enough political candidates representing people of substance in America will never win another presidential election.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Huckabee Show - A Fun Afternoon
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Responses - The Connection Between No Jobs & The Lack Of Oil Clean Up In The Gulf
The op-ed in the WSJ by Arthur Laffer on June 7 pointing out how the expiration of the 2003 so-called Bush tax (rate) cuts will adversely affect the 2011 economy starting on January 1 when tax rates rise due to the expiration certainly made the rounds since it appeared. Responder #1 below correctly adds this point to the subject message.
Responder #2 describes her friends who are trying to enter the entrepreneurial system - the only real creator of jobs, value, & wealth thereby increasing our standard of living as pointed out in the original message. Based on my next comment it is encouraging to learn that we still have such people.
I add to the other main point of the original message that because of poor education & training Americans are largely unqualified to fill the few jobs that are available. Pennsylvania based Mission:Readiness, a nonprofit, bi-partisan organization led by senior retired military leaders, reports that up to 90% of young Philadelphians are ineligible for military service because of criminal records, obesity, or lack of education. The report said 145,000 Philadelphians ages 18 to 24 cannot meet the military medical, moral, & mental standards. The DOD estimates that nationally 75% of young adults are disqualified from military service. Is it any wonder that as originally reported Firstar Precision could not find any qualified machinists from their help wanted ad?
---Response #1---
Compared to next year, this year will be the good old days. The Bush tax cuts will end & capital gains tax will increase to 40%.
Always remember, in this great Country we get the government we elect. It all makes perfect sense after viewing your chart. - The chart is a graphical depiction of the Death Of Democracy.
---Response #2---
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Connection Between No Jobs & The Lack Of Oil Clean-up In The Gulf
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Primary Election Highlights
Highlight results for Tea Partiers include two victorious candidates who Sarah Palin heartily endorsed:
1. Outsider Sharron Angle won the Nevada Republican Senate primary & will oppose the insidious Senate Majority Leader Harry "Ringside" Reid in November.
2. SC state Rep Nikki Haley won the Republican Governor's primary & will be in a runoff because she only won 49% of the vote running against three other candidates - the closet to her had 22%.
Two congressional candidates in NJ who ran endorsing the FairTax did very well with one winning outright & the other being in an election too close to call. Both candidates endorsed the FairTax during their campaigns & said they will cosponsor HR 25 if elected in the fall.
1. Michael Agosta (57% & 5,397 votes) won NJ's 9th Republican district. Third place finisher Sergey Shevchuk also expressed late interest in the FairTax.
2. Anna Little leads her opponent by 63 votes – 50.2% to 49.8% with 482 of 483 precincts counted in NJ's 6th district. Little raised $22,000 to Gooch's $432,000 which is a similar story to Dave Corsi who ran his campaign on a financial shoestring but with great ideas & strong principles & lost his election 54% to 46% to a millionaire establishment Republican party line candidate.
If Little ultimately wins her primary she will take on 22 year incumbent Frank Pallone in the general election. Agosta will take on 14 year incumbent Steve Rothman. The consequences of these two seemingly insignificant races in NJ are enormous so you know the statists will do everything they can to hold America back.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Aggressive Response - Saving Fingers & Eyes
If I were running a sleeper cell in the U.S., I'd start by doing this sort of thing -- not merely to train budding terrorists to handle explosives carefully and to wreak havoc, but also to test the ability of police to investigate this sort of thing, and to learn how lenient our justice system would be, should anyone be caught. (Can't you already hear the "He's just a young man who made a foolish choice" and "it was just a prank" defense, and envision some judge sentencing the person to community service or a few months in jail?)
This crime should be classified as terrorism (this may mean prosecution in federal court -- I don't know the law). It should also carry a stiff sentence, with mandatory prosecution as adults juveniles age 15 or over.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Saving Fingers & Eyes
To check this out farther I sent the link to our friend the Somerville Police Chief Dennis Manning.
Thanks to Chief Manning who called & made the following comments & suggestions for our group:
1. There is always a worry about "copy-cats" imitating what they see on videos - there are people around who want to hurt us. The balance between trying to keep the message away from copy-cats shifts in this case to more importantly trying to inform the general public re what to do to defend themselves.
2. We can throw away empty plastic bottles safely with no danger. Call 911 or your local police if you find a suspicious plastic bottle - one that is full of liquid & is bulged or expanded.
Although we have had no incidence of bottle bombs in Somerville, Chief Manning has sent the link to all his policemen & plans to bring the subject up @ the next County Chiefs' meeting. He suggests that every one contact their local police re this link & also thanks the subscriber who sent this along. She may have saved someone's fingers or eyes.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Hold It - You Don't Want To Be In This Picture
Carol also routinely points out to women who leave their pocket books in their push carts unattended in grocery stores of a similar situation in which they could be preyed upon.