About Me

In writing the "About Me" portion of this blog I thought about the purpose of the blog - namely, preventing the growth of Socialism & stopping the Death Of Democracy in the American Republic & returning her to the "liberty to abundance" stage of our history. One word descriptions of people's philosophies or purposes are quite often inadequate. I feel that I am "liberal" meaning that I am broad minded, independent, generous, hospitable, & magnanimous. Under these terms "liberal" is a perfectly good word that has been corrupted over the years to mean the person is a left-winger or as Mark Levin more accurately wrote in his book "Liberty & Tyranny" a "statist" - someone looking for government or state control of society. I am certainly not that & have dedicated the blog to fighting this. I believe that I find what I am when I consider whether or not I am a "conservative" & specifically when I ask what is it that I am trying to conserve? It is the libertarian principles that America was founded upon & originally followed. That is the Return To Excellence that this blog is named for & is all about.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Independence Day Quiz

To have some fun with American history over the Independence Day holiday click here to take the subject quiz.  At the end of the quiz you will receive your score & a note letting you know how you did compared to other quiz takers.
Unlike the other quizzes that I present from time to time the answers & an explanation appear after every question so this is not just a quiz but an excellent refresher.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

An Analysis - Trump's Chances Against The Large 2020 Democrat Socialist Field

"A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither.  A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both." - Professor Friedman
"Wherever the free market has been permitted to operate, wherever anything approaching equality of opportunity has existed, the ordinary man has been able to obtain levels of living never dreamed of before.  Nowhere is the gap between rich & poor wider, nowhere are the rich richer or the poor poorer, than in those societies that do not permit the free market to operate." - Professor Friedman writing in Free To Choose
The lure of socialism is a burden that "is exceedingly hard to throw off, even when patently obvious that it is the chief culprit producing persistent underdevelopment, poverty, & misery." - Mary O'Grady writing the weekly Americas column in the WSJ – August 25, 2006
Image result for capitalism - socialism sign 
America was founded on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, & free enterprise.  Turning to socialism would expand government, absolve everyone of personal responsibility, & replace free enterprise with any form of collectivism where society as a whole has priority over each individual in it.
Over the past half century socialism has taken far more than a toehold in America.  Today 43% of Americans view socialism as a good thing, up dramatically from 25% in 1942.  Socialism is now embraced to one large degree or another by all of the twenty-three 2020 Democrat candidates for president.  The following graphic highlights that 70% of Democrats & 85% of those identifying as liberals believe that socialism would be a good thing for America.
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Congressional Democrats, looking for votes from any legal or illegal source possible, have abandoned, deserted, & shamefully failed to fulfill their constitutionally sworn duties regarding their sole responsibility for establishing immigration & asylum laws that meet the nation's needs - even as migrants from Central America, Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, & Africa exploit the perverse incentives in our current immigration & asylum laws, flowing through our southwest border like water through a sieve thereby gaining access to America's interior for years to come if not for the rest of their lives.  Congress's despicable lack of concern for border safety has gone way beyond being uncooperative & unhelpful to the Trump administration.  Congress is guilty of dereliction of duty.
Driven by Democrats' hatred of President Trump & partisan politics instead of constitutional principles that are in the country's interest, federal district judges, mostly appointed by BO, have dangerously overridden Trump on national security issues @ our southwest border, time & again, not just in their own district where they have jurisdiction, if appropriate, but by issuing injunctions & applying them nationwide.  These district judges use no common sense & rule based on the very language in the immigration & asylum laws that are being used as weapons against us by foreign invaders in caravans from the countries indicated above who are blatantly exploiting the perverse incentives in these laws.  The number of such foreign invaders is now @ record levels & is overwhelming our border guards.  Can't district judges see this or don't they want to?
The fundamental constitutional premise for all judicial officers – district, appeals, or Supreme Court Justices – is to support the Constitution from which you would think it goes without saying, or having to remind them, of the bedrock principle & basic goal of government concerning the general Welfare of the United States.
The Constitution requires Congress to "provide for the general Welfare of the United States."  Accordingly a judge with the country's interest @ heart would find that Congress should go back & address the southwest border invasion by rewriting the laws that are being exploited.  A district judge should find that the general Welfare of the United States is what applies to the entire nation not one of their rulings attempting to override a President.  See Fraudulent Asylum Seekers Violate U.S. National Sovereignty for specific examples of judicial abuses of power that threaten the nation & the very legitimacy of the courts.
Congress shamefully neglecting its duty "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" & district judges issuing rulings affecting the entire nation on matters that don't even apply to their own specific district are the two most egregious & obvious injustices that have gone on right before our eyes for months on end that turns what is obviously wrong into what is politically correct.  It helps the enemies of America that the American people are disengaged while so thoroughly enjoying the freedoms that have come to be taken for granted – never considering that the growing threat of socialism has the power to fundamentally change America & everyone's way of life.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) recently asked Americans to answer the following questions (I added #24) which involve a more subtle encroachment on our liberty than the above two blatant onslaughts by Congress & the Judiciary:
1.  Are you in favor of Medicare for All, a proposal by Democrats that would wipe-out private insurance & have all healthcare run & paid for by a federal government bureaucracy?
2.  Should public colleges & universities be "free," with all tuition & costs paid by the federal government (taxpayers)?
3.  Do you believe that the government should provide a guaranteed income to all Americans, regardless of whether or not they work?
4.  Are you in favor of "universal child care" that provides government-run daycare for infants & toddlers run by the same Leftists who are already indoctrinating our kids with Liberal propaganda in K-12 public schools & universities?
5.  Are you in favor of the Democrats' Green New Deal, a program of harsh environmental regulations that would bankrupt our government, crush our economy, & destroy our constitutional rights?
6.  Should the federal government inspect every building in America, as mandated by the Green New Deal, to force compliance with the program's environmental regulations?
7.  Do you support the Democrats' calls to "Abolish ICE" & declare sanctuary cities, counties, & states to protect illegal immigrants, leave our borders open, & give amnesty to illegal immigrants?
8.  Do you believe the Second Amendment right to keep & bear arms is outdated & needs to be repealed?
9.  Do you want public schools to focus only on America's past problems & ignore the tremendous contributions our nation made to the world, the sacrifices of past generations, & the greatness of our constitutional system?
10.  Have you had just about all you can handle of the political correctness that is twisting our culture & trampling on our constitutional rights? 
11.  Do you support raising the federal minimum wage to $15 or even $20 per hour for unskilled labor?
12.  Should our nation's national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, be replaced with some more modern song as some Liberal extremists have demanded?
13.  Would you trust a federal government censorship bureau like those in Europe to decide what political speech is allowed on television, radio, & the internet?
14.  Should transgender individuals be allowed to use the public restrooms & school locker rooms of their choice, rather than the ones corresponding to their biological sex? 
15.  Should public schools be forced to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls?
16.  Do you support allowing abortion up to the moment of birth as Democrats have proposed & even enacted in some states, extending even to infanticide?
17.  Would you support new income tax rates of up to 90% on wealthy individuals & small businesses?
18.  Should inheritance tax rates (the death tax) be 100%?
19.  Should illegal immigrants in our country be given free college tuition, free healthcare, & full welfare benefits?
20.  Would you support giving amnesty/citizenship to illegal immigrants along with full social security benefits?
21.  Are you in favor of eliminating the Electoral College so that states with large populations can choose our president?
22.  Should public school teaching of American history focus solely on the bad parts of American history & ignore all the good our nation has done, such as winning two World Wars against fascism & the Nazis, spreading democracy, & containing communism?
23.  Do you believe America has caused oppression & pain for millions of people around the world because of our embrace of capitalism & the strength of our military to stand up for our interests?
24.  Do you support HR 40 entitled Commission to Study & Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act, introduced earlier this year by Sheila Jackson Lee (D,TX) to address slavery in the United States & the 13 American colonies between 1619 & 1865?
By asking people to answer the above questions the RNC wants to expose the Democrats socialist agenda of massive centralized bureaucracy, limited freedoms, & sky high taxes to pay for it all – things that have no place in a free capitalistic society like America.
The answers to the RNC questions reveal the policies that any or all of the 23 Democrat candidates for president will implement one by one in rapid fire order if elected along with a Democrat Congress – policies that amount to a gigantic give away of your life's savings to the poorest least educated unskilled people in exchange for their expected votes that will keep the socialist Democrat elites in office for the rest of their lives @ our expense – an exchange that is best explained in Death Of Democracy.
In the end we are counting on the electorate recognizing how deceitful, insincere, & unprincipled the 23 Democrat candidates for president are as each tries to outdo the others by concocting the biggest socialist give away schemes conceivable as they all move further & further to the left as primary voters wait to vote.
The democrat-socialist agenda is a betrayal of the American middle class.
But the deck is stacked against us & Trump – i.e., where is Trump going to get 270 electoral votes?
Any of the twenty three Democrat candidates running for president, including the three that did not make the debate stage later this month, will reliably start with 232 electoral votes they can count on (CA – 55, CO –9, CT – 7, DE – 3, DC – 3, HI – 4, IL – 20, ME – 3, MD – 10, MA – 11, MN – 10, NV – 6, NH – 4, NJ – 14, NM – 5, NY – 29, OR – 7, RI – 4, VA – 13, VT – 3, & WA – 12).
AZ (11), GA (16) & even TX (38) had a purple tinge to them in 2016 & of course Trump won WI (10), PA (20), & MI (16) by a combined total of less than 80,000 votes – these were the three key states that threw Trump over the top in 2016.
Trump was terribly underestimated in 2016 & Hillary was the worst candidate imaginable & yet she managed to receive 232 electoral votes just 38 electoral votes short of victory even though her poor health precluded her from campaigning even once in Wisconsin or being able to keep the suburban & rural shoulder counties around Orlando & Tampa competitive on her way to losing a close Florida contest. 
Robin Biro recently said that the Democrats are going to bring out everyone they know to vote Democrat in 2020. 
And Democrats outnumber Republicans – so we have to match the expected high Democrat turnout by convincing every Republican, Independent, Tea Partier, libertarian & some Democrats to vote for Trump.  Then the numbers turn in our favor.
But the election hinges on whether or not the electorate realizes that all of these 23 Democrat candidates are even worse candidates for president in 2020 than Hillary Clinton was in 2016 – & their socialist policies are worse than hers too.
Do you want a president who supports single payer healthcare that requires doctors & hospitals to take a 40% cut in compensation thereby guaranteeing rationing of services & long wait times to see a doctor?  Do you want a president who thinks illegal immigrants should be given free college tuition, free healthcare, full welfare benefits, citizenship, & full Social Security benefits while those applying for legal citizenship work for years earning it?  Do you want a president who thinks there is nothing wrong with our immigration & asylum laws that are increasingly being exploited by countries as far away as Africa?   Do you want a president who supports sanctuary cities, counties, & states?  Do you want a president who believes that the government should provide a guaranteed income to all Americans, regardless of whether or not they work after providing everyone free college?  Do you want a president who supports infanticide if an abortion is botched & the child is born?    Do you want a president who supports reparations for slavery that ended over 150 years ago?
In short, do you want one of these 23 people running your life?

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Conservative Review Liberty Score Website

Thanks to Graham Ledger for introducing his One America News audience to the Conservative Review Liberty Score website Conservative Review Liberty Score website.
The website provides a Scorecard showing the voting record of every Member of the House & Senate on up to 50 votes of significance over a rolling six-year period – votes on renaming Post Offices, & the like, are not considered.  The title & date the vote took place are listed next to each Member's position compared to CR's position on the vote – which concentrates on fidelity to the Constitution that all Members take an oath to support & defend.  From this the letter grade is assigned along with the percentage Liberty Score.
Since all votes are individually listed each reader can decide for themselves what a proper vote should be - not just CR's grading & scoring re the Constitution.  Accordingly you have enough information to calculate your own Liberty Score for any Member of Congress or if preferred by the statist socialists in this blog readership - your own socialist score. 
For instance someone with a 0% Liberty Score may have a 100% socialist favorability score in a statist's opinion – & there are plenty of Members with zero scores.  The point is you have enough information to decide how effective a Member of Congress is in agreeing with your own views. 
After bringing up the Scorecard on the CR Liberty Score website just click on any state & then scroll down to see each Members grade & score.  Click on the individual Member's photo & their complete voting record will be displayed.  From there it is up to you to decide how effective the Member has been in following their oaths of office & agreeing with your views for the country.
You can also view the Top 25 highest Liberty Score holders – twelve are graded "A" @ 90% or higher.  Or, you can view the Top 25 RINOs.
Midterm 2018 election results are shown for congressmen, senators, & governors.
But the biggest value the CR Liberty Score website provides is showing why Republican politicians always lose in the realm of conservative opinion – & that is because there are just not enough conservatives in Congress & certainly not enough libertarians.  It is not like we have every Democrat graded "F" @ 24% or below & the great majority of Republicans graded "A" @ 90% or higher.  Oh no, far from it.  Please be assured that we do have every Democrat graded "F" @ 24% or below but also in actuality the vast majority of Republicans are graded "F" with scores of way below 60%.  The Top 25 Members of Congress – all Republicans - even includes three "Cs" & one "D".
Just look @ the grades & Liberty Scores for the current congressional leadership – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (F @ 36%), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (F @ 4%), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (F @ 14%), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (F @ 14%), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (F @ 32%), House Majority Whip James Clyburn (F @ 15%), & House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (F @ 33%).  Former House Speaker & Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan left Congress graded "F" with a Liberty Score of 36%.
Now none of the above congressional leaders may be in your district or state so you cannot vote them out of office directly; but you can check on the Liberty Scores of any incumbent who is seeking your vote & then do your homework accordingly.
In the meantime we can get a leg up on the 2020 presidential election by realizing that the following Democrats running for president are all graded "F" with the indicated pitiful Liberty Scores – Sanders (21%), Booker (18%), Warren (20%), Harris (24%), Klobuchar (2%), Gillibrand (14%), Gabbard (18%), Moulton (18%), Tim Ryan of OH (18%), & Swalwell (23%).
The biggest shame of the 2018 mid-term election was the defeat of Congressman Dave Brat in Virginia's seventh district.  Dave Brat was graded "A" with a Liberty Score of 97% in his four years in Congress – he lost to Abigail Spanberger who so far in her young congressional career is graded "F" with a Liberty Score of zero.
The subject website provides comprehensive in-depth detailed information that should preclude the reelection of the statists listed above – let alone electing them to higher office.  Shame on us if we don't vote every one of them & the others whose voting records now appear in plain sight out of office the first chance we get.