"A system of pure, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism has never existed anywhere." – Ayn Rand writing in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
"Wherever the free market has been permitted to operate, wherever anything approaching equality of opportunity has existed, the ordinary man has been able to obtain levels of living never dreamed of before. Nowhere is the gap between rich & poor wider, nowhere are the rich richer or the poor poorer, than in those societies that do not permit the free market to operate." - Professor Friedman writing in Free To Choose
"America has been more than fifty percent socialist for many years & we are not getting our money's worth." – Professor Friedman in 1996
"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." – British playwright George Bernard Shaw
Hillsdale College reports:
1. Only 51% of high school students think America is the greatest country in the world (no word as to which country they think is).
2. Only 11% of high school students could name the specific rights enumerated in the First Amendment, & 87% of high school students flunked a five-question test on basic knowledge of American history (I hope they remain in high school until they don't flunk the test).
3. A Harvard University poll in 2017 showed that 51% of young people said they oppose capitalism, & 44% would prefer to live in a socialist country. (They don't have to leave America to find another country because they are winning - changing America to suit their preferences.)
4. Just 19% of Americans younger than forty-five could pass the U.S. Citizenship Test (then why are the 81% citizens?).
For those of us still breathing the above statistics are not surprising because we know that long ago progressive statists' teaching of socialism infiltrated American education & now dominates it. Civics, & our American history & heritage, long a staple of government school education, are no longer taught in far too many American schools. The latest example is the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point which recently announced a cut in both faculty positions & six programs including history – source ACTA.
Far-left celebrities & professional athletes openly reject our nation's founding principles, deem America "racist" & "sexist" & distort our history, effectively turning our youth against their own country without ever saying what other country is better. Second string football players dominate media coverage for years, kneeling in protest as our national anthem is played but the CBS TV cameras quickly turned off the locker room cerebration when Texas Tech coach Chris Beard knelt in prayer with his entire team after winning the semi final NCAA basketball game on April 6.
Self proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders received 13 million votes in the 2016 primaries & more millennial votes than Hillary & Trump combined. Since that election nearly 200 socialists have been elected to school boards, city councils, & state legislatures all across America – & even to the U.S. Congress where socialist AOC partners with Bernie to lead their government dependent effort.
Although Bernie has a pathetic record of sponsoring bills that pass into law it is more important to realize Sanders has successfully cosponsored more than 200 bills & holds or has held six committee appointments including Health, Education, Labor & Pensions where he can do damage promoting Medicare for All & free college education – two of his pet projects that have taken hold with far too many Americans. Bernie is also the Ranking Member on the Senate Budget committee reviewing Trump's budget issued in March.
In short socialism has taken hold in a group of young people who have never known an economic system other than the ones presided over by GW Bush &/or BO - & those systems were not capitalistic.
See Parts B & C below for continuation of this post.
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